Category: SAP ERP Articles

Companies issuing electronic invoices must request the PAC to certify each document. The PAC then sends the validated document to the Mexican tax authorities (Servicio de Administración Tributaria, SAT) for approval. If the SAT approves the document, it sends you back a digital stamp that contains information about the approval (for example, digital signatures, certificate file, unique identification number (UUID)). You then send the eInvoice including the stamp data to your customer.

The eDocument solution enables companies in Mexico to generate eDocuments for invoices created in Financial Accounting (FI) or Sales and Distribution (SD).

In accordance with legal requirements in Mexico, when you receive any payment from your customer for an invoice issued earlier, you must generate an electronic payment receipt complement. You must send this document, together with the CFDI invoice, to an authorized provider of digital tax receipts (PAC) who can validate the document and send the validated document to the Mexican tax authorities (SAT) for approval.

If the SAT approves the document, it sends you back a digital stamp that contains information about the approval (for example, digital signatures, certificate file, UUID). You then send the eDocument, including the stamp data to your customer.


SAP E-Document (Mexico) from Surya Padhi